The Lion Program
The Lion Den is an exciting and fun adventure for kindergarten aged boys and their parents or other adult partner! Lion scouts get their own adventure book which contains the adventures they need to complete. The parent or other adult partner also receives a guide book explaining all of the adventures and take turns planning each adventure with the Lion Den Coordinator. After completing five adventures, the Lion scout has earned their Lion badge!
Note: Some of these activities are done at home and signed off by the parent after the scout has completed the task. The Lion scout is encouraged to place the appropriate sticker in his adventure book as he completes each adventure.
Note: There are no performance requirements for completing tasks. Simply participating and doing one’s best in an activity constitutes completion.
The Lion Adventure
Complete each of the following Lion required adventures with your den or family to earn the Lion badge:
- Lion’s Honor
- Fun on the Run
- Animal Kingdom
- Mountain Lion
- King of the Jungle
After you earn your Lion Badge you may complete any of the optional adventures with your den or family too:
- I’ll Do It Myself
- Pick My Path
- Gizmos and Gadgets
- On Your Mark
- Build It Up, Knock It Down
- Rumble in the Jungle
- Ready, Set, Grow
Note to Parents
- You and the Lion Den Coordinator will track the Den Activities and the “Go-and-See” for each of the five categories in your adventure book and ScoutBook on-line tool.
- Have your scout place the sticker in his handbook as he completes each adventure
- Bring the Handbook to a Den meeting to show off your work and work on new adventures.